Ogikubo Station Flyer
2019, Adobe Photoshop, 8" x 10.5"
A quick flyer for national touring band Ogikubo Station, featuring Maura Weaver of many, many punk bands, and Mike Park, glorious leader of venerable punk label Asian Man Records, and leader of a million and a half ska and punk bands over the past 30 years.
The information for this show, including the mandatory all-ages disclaimer for the venue, was provided by my friend, a member of Ohio punk band Varsity Pinball. The bigfoot-esque character was a previously-created idea that I'd done in my spare time, after being on a cryptids/monsters kick, and I felt the frightening, yet slightly playful nature of the character worked well with the bands involved.
I also created a slightly tweaked, square format of the flyer for posting on Instagram.
Finally, some shots of the flyer out in the wild. Ogikubo Station now resides along such luminaries as Creed and the whole of Psychopathic Records.
Ogikubo Station Flyer

Ogikubo Station Flyer
